RJ Esteban


Based in Manila, Raul “RJ” Esteban has been a Special Advisor to Optima Strategies since 2014. Mr. Esteban is a globally acknowledged leader in the theory, practice and innovation of consumer, market, public issue, and electoral research and analytics.

Mr. Esteban is Managing Director of the independent research agency PSRC, a member of Gallup International, and the strategic partner of Optima Strategies for market, social, and opinion research across Asia.  As a member of Gallup International, PSRC is considered among the region’s most advanced stakeholder behavior research institutions. PSRC works with state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge research techniques in current practice.

From 1986 - 1988, he served as Country Representative of PPF, a subsidiary of Unilever. Mr. Esteban was also a founding partner of AGB Nielsen, a broadcast media marketing research firm. He served as its chairman until 2012.

His experience includes serving within the Advertising Board of the Philippines and Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines (MORES).

Mr. Esteban currently (and since 2000) serves as Philippine Representative to ESOMAR (formerly known as The European Society for Opinion and Market Research), an international association of global leaders in market, social, and opinion research founded in 1948.

Mr. Esteban graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Engineering.