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Local Solutions for Complex Challenges

We have cultivated a talented team of professionals across the Asia-Pacific region who have vast experience in and knowledge of local, political, commercial, and economic dynamics; reliable relationships with key stakeholders; and an enduring commitment to excellence and the highest ethical standards.


Understanding Issues and Setting the Message

Having a 360-degree view of a particular challenge is the first step to developing a confident path towards a solution. With a host of tools at our disposal, such as reliable local polling and focus group capacity in every market throughout the Asia-Pacific region, we are able to translate data into unique, insightful strategy.


Building Support

By activating our grassroots network of relationships with local communities to policy makers at the highest levels of government we are able to foster support and build consensus. The broader stakeholder community is also mapped and engaged including local industry leaders, civil society organizations, labor groups, and international and multilateral organizations.


Media and Communications

Through the deployment of branded, non-branded, and third party media campaigns via local television, radio, newspaper, public opinion influencers, and social media platforms, we are able to build and solidify project solutions, public support and brand credibility.


Leveraging Change

We organize the effective use of internal and external pressure such as media interventions in local and international outlets, mobilization of diaspora communities, and encouragement of action and support from foreign governments, legislative bodies, and the private sector to foster greater support for issues important to our clients.


Inoculation Theory

We believe foresight, preparedness, and reputational equity are the most effective counters to crisis. We are well versed in the use of strategic communications and public relations measures to mitigate the effects of such a crisis, ensuring our client’s brand reputation and their vulnerabilities are properly insulated beforehand.


Cultural and Spiritual Adaptations

With our comprehensive first hand knowledge of different cultural, legal, and regulatory practices across the Asia-Pacific region, we are able to help our clients navigate the complexities of cultural and spiritual adaptations, ensuring their business or public affairs engagements are well adapted to whatever environment or circumstance.